Hjarbæk Fjord

Distance: 10.73 Km

Hjarbæk Fjord has been designated as a wildlife reserve and a fantastically rich area for nature lovers. Here you may be lucky enough to see otters, herons, kingfishers, bats and seals.

The landscape around Hjarbæk Fjord was formed at the end of the last ice age, when the area was still covered in ice. For a period during the melting, the water from Central Jutland flowed into Hjarbæk Fjord, later the flow reversed and instead went to Randers Fjord. Today, Hjarbæk Fjord is fed by the four rivers Fiskbæk Å, Jordbro Å, Skals Å og Simested Å.

Life around Hjarbæk Fjord has been characterized by the special conditions that nature has offered the people of the fjord country, especially with a view to fishing, seaweed production, marl and ferry services.

Hjarbæk today

Hjarbæk is today a small cozy harbor town with inn and ice house, lifestyle shop, campsite, golf course and cottages. You can also experience the cozy, small fishing village in Kvols.

Take a trip over the Virksund Dam and enjoy the small charming towns and cozy places along the fjord. Take another walk Maren's breasts, Denmark's most beautifully situated round jetty and also stop at the Tanghuset in Sundstrup, where you can learn more about seaweed production. The place functions both as an information center and primitive accommodation.

Hjarbæk Fjord

In Hjarbæk you can enjoy the cozy coastal town atmosphere. Go for a walk on the harbor and experience the old yachts that set out on the fjord with their beautiful, red sails - and often with Denmark's most beautiful sunset as a backdrop.

Read more about the village communities

Sundstrup by Hjarbæk Fjord

Taarupgaard by Hjarbæk Fjord

Ulbjerg and Ulbjerg Klint

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Updated by: VisitAarhus | info@visitaarhus.com
Photographer: Janne Kragh Pedersen Copyright: VisitViborg
Hjarbæk Strandpark by Hjarbæk Fjord Photographer: VisitAarhus Copyright: VisitAarhus