AQUA Aquarium & Zoo - copy

Distance: 34.17 Km

 | +45 89 21 21 89 | | | 
AQUA is a very special place in Denmark, where you can meet Danish animals in wild natural surroundings. Just like in nature - just closer.

Connected with nature

In AQUA, the Danish nature is celebrated. You do not have to travel to the rainforest or the African savannah at all to be amazed and fascinated. Denmark has a unique nature full of exciting animals, which can give you fantastic experiences, and which all have a completely wild story to tell you… it's just about listening to it.

All fish live in natural lakes and not in aquariums. So the conditions you find in the lakes are the same as out in nature. This also applies outside in the beautiful park, which is full of birds, mammals and not least Danish plants. AQUA is directly connected to nature, quite literally, and here life follows the course of the seasons. Therefore, a new and fascinating experience always awaits when you visit AQUA.

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Aqua Aquarium & Zoo Photographer: AQUA Aquarium & Zoo Copyright: AQUA Aquarium & Zoo
Photographer: AQUA Aquarium & Zoo Copyright: AQUA Aquarium & Zoo
Photographer: AQUA Aquarium & Zoo Copyright: AQUA Aquarium & Zoo
Photographer: AQUA Aquarium & Zoo Copyright: AQUA Aquarium & Zoo